Today, Joomla is the most powerful and
advanced content management system with more than thirty five million
downloads worldwide. Being open source software, this platform allows
users to get high-end website with some high-end features,
functionalities and incredible performance.
Offering a comprehensive range of
extension libraries, Joomla is a well-known CMS that can give your
dream website with very less efforts. As compare to other platforms,
Joomla considered as a highly interactive platform when it comes to
publishing web content.
Because of its diversity and
flexibility, there are lots of people, who are looking for PSD to
Joomla so that they can also enjoy some unique features. However,
converting PSD to Joomla is not really difficult, but it actually
needs proper dedication and skills in graphic design, HTML
programming and some CSS skills.
So, if you have decided to begin with
PSD to Joomla conversion, below given guide can help you out in your
work, thus have a look:
First: Making of PSD Layout –
Firstly, you need to make a PSD layout
to begin with the procedure of converting your PSD to Joomla.
However, if you are a professional designer, then you can easily
follow steps with Photoshop, but unfortunately, if you are not a
professional designer, you can find lots of free PSD templates online
that can be used to develop a perfect website.
Still, it is necessary that you have
little Photoshop skills in order to complete the first step of
converting your PSD to Joomla. To get some knowledge and information,
you can go through this course (Adobe Photoshop CC Learn by Video).
Second: Slicing the Graphics of the
Once, if you done with the template
part, now you have to go with slicing the template so that you can
create the background, images and other important components of
graphics for your page.
In order to piecing the PSD accurately,
it is important that you have some Photoshop skills so that you can
access with different layers and components of the image and execute
them in your website. It is also important that you include some
components in the CSS file and remember that included elements will
not be recovered from the PSD.
Third: Design HTML To Comprise
Graphic Elements
Using HTML, you can add some of the major graphics to your website once you have the graphical elements ready. It is one such step that needs a good understanding of HTML. It is one such step that needs little knowledge and understanding of HTML. In order to make yourself aware about HTML, you can have a course like Learn HTML 5 from any good place as you can start to learn the HTML.
Developing the HTML requires developing the logo and the menu structure as well for your new Joomla template. Moreover, it also enables you to specify the layout of the page like where to include columns, how many columns and other similar elements.
Fourth – Template’s CSS Coding
With the help of HTML template, if you
have finalized the layout, now you will need to build the style sheet
that will be applied to the HTML as well as the website. Through
style sheet, you can get huge help in determining heading formats,
hyper-link formats, font formats and more.
For easy to access, the CSS file will
be saved in the main folder and it will also decide the format of the
final website. Users can easily coded CSS so that they can include
graphic elements such as menu lists, sliders and other designing
elements by which they can get help in taking their website on the
top position.
When it comes to coding the CSS, it
needs basic information and knowledge of style sheets work as well as
how to code them. As we all know that CSS occupied in converting a
PSD to CSS that is quite advanced and needs core knowledge of coding
and how it works.
Fifth – Finally Integrating the
Design into Joomla
Once, your website’s front end is
completed, now you have to integrate the files into a Joomla
template. Graphics, CSS and the HTML are forming the front end of the
website as Joomla is the engine that manages the content for the
website, so it is necessary that the integration forms a seamless
link between the front end and the program.
There is one file structure, which has
to be followed to make sure that the content is displayed accurately
while integrating your HTML and CSS into the Joomla template.
However, this step also requires good information about Joomla and
how this content management system works. On Joomla, there are some
major instructions given that is associated on Joomla itself,
including on building a template. At the end, by converting a PSD to
Joomla, you can make your website completely stunning in graphically.
So, these are the five simple steps to
follow to converting PSD to Joomla as it only needs some dedication
and basic knowledge. However, you can also go with Joomla developer for hire to get the solution.
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