Drupal Development Can’t Possible Without its Modules

Drupal Development
There is no doubt about Drupal development that blessed with exceptional features and functions. This development established in the heart of many developers and site owners with its extra amzing SEO modules and Social media modules. But, do you know among all which are some essential modules for Drupal development or which modules must add in your website while Drupal module development. If you are unaware of it, here you will find information for same.

Let’s start with ‘Views’ module that installed by default many time, but if not, you have to download it. In case, you have already installed module, then you have to customize it according to Drupal module’s area. It is one of the amazing modules that generate pages and lists, where you can upload content. View doesn’t need any kind of programming to set up.

Next in list is ‘Tagadelic’ that offers simple turnkey modules along with API, which is best for developing search-clouds, tagclouds, weighted lists, etc. Hire Drupal Developers can easily add page that displays taxonomy-terms in a weighted cloud: terms while some module offers page with article-titles in a cloud: titles from articles that seems bigger.

Moving to ‘features’ module, it is one of the helpful modules for those people, who are working in multiple environments like production, dev, etc. This module offers API and UI for various sites developing factors and combining them in single feature module. It is almost like other Drupal modules, excluding CCK fields, views, contexts, etc. available in its .info file.

As name suggests, ‘Menu Bread Crumbs’ is helpful for listing menus in different and most amazing ways. It requires while you are creating menu based on text links or views for your visitor’s convenience.

Another is the ‘Drush’ module that permits to utilize command line code for changing or installing/uninstalling modules that already installed into your website. With the help of this module, you can easily update your website without a cumbersome GUI. Even, it is best for clearing Drupal’s cache quickly due to its better functionality.

Last by Not Least, Calendar. What to say about this module? It is simply awesome and manages dates and other schedules with its pre-installed calendar views and date views. According to your convenience, you can arrange with hours, days, months, years, etc.

Below, I listed some of the essential modules that must require while Drupal development. Hope, you like it. The list of menus are not end to this, you will find collections of modules according to your requirements online.

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